Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Uglies Book

I picked the Scott Westerfield book Uglies because the title looks good and the cover was sort of interesting. I like the characters at the start like Tally who is interesting. The plot is interesting because it is about these people who when they turn sixteen they get to go from these sort of camps for kids and to the city to become pretty and enjoy the fancy society that is going on. Tally ends up meeting this girl named Shay who doesn't want to go and get the procedure and so they run away and Tally has to decide if she wants to or not. There is a guy named Peris, too, and I think he and Tally will start dating. "His expression made his pretty face glow even more, and Tally leaped forward to wrap her arms around him. He still felt the same, at least, maybe a bit taller and thinner But he was warm and solid, and still Peris." page 19.
This reminds me of how sometimes parents want kids to go to university even though they might not want to which makes the kids have to choose what they want to do. I also think of that show where people get makeovers using plastic surgery.

Image result for Uglies scott westerfeld

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